Microsoft Fabric Updates Blog

Power BI June 2021 Feature Summary

Welcome to the June update! Loads of updates on connectors this time around. Also, DirectQuery support for Dataflows is now generally available! On top of that, we are happy to announce the preview of the paginated reports visual – we know many of you have been eagerly awaiting it, so take it for a spin and provide your feedback! Our Small Multiples and DirectQuery for Power BI datasets and Azure Analysis Services previews are still ongoing and receiving some updates this month.

There is much more, so read on!

Desktop Download button

Here is the full list of June updates:




Data preparation

Data connectivity




Template apps


Check out the video below for a summary:




Paginated reports visual Preview

We’re pleased to announce that the long-anticipated paginated report visual for Power BI reports is now available in Power BI Desktop as a public preview.  For the first time, this native Power BI visual allows you to render any paginated report you’ve uploaded to the Service in a Power BI report.  And because you can wire up fields from your Power BI dataset to be used as parameter values, thus providing a fully interactive experience with the paginated report, just like any other visual.

Read more in this blog.

Area chart transparency sliders

You can now set the transparency of the colored areas in your area and stacked area charts. Before, this transparency was defaulted to 60%. Adjust this transparency in the Data colors card in the Formatting pane.

Inner padding for continuous axes

Cartesian charts with categorical axes have an “inner padding” option in the formatting pane which adjusts the size of the padding between category bars, columns, and clusters. This helps you determine how thick your columns and bars should be and how much whitespace should be between them. This month, we’re adding this option to continuous axes as well, allowing you greater control over the look and feel of your charts.

Small multiples: responsiveness and conditional formatting Preview

This month, we’re bringing you two new updates to the small multiples preview feature. First, we’ve enabled support for the responsive toggle in the General card of the Formatting pane. Responsive visuals will slowly drop chart elements like axis titles, axes, and legend as their size shrinks, providing more room to the plot area. For small multiples, the responsive breakpoints have been adjusted to accommodate for the potential presence of more than one plot area in the visual. This means that small multiples visuals will generally begin shrinking padding and dropping chart elements earlier than non-small multiples visuals to make room for the multiple plot areas. Although responsiveness is on by default, responsive behavior will generally not affect visuals large enough to provide a clear data visualization.

We’ve also added conditional formatting to small multiple title and background colors. Click the fx button next to their corresponding options in the formatting pane to launch the conditional formatting dialog, where you can set rules by which the chart elements are colored. With this functionality, your small multiple titles and backgrounds can assist in communicating important aspects of your data.



Q&A improvement for inferred results

When your end-users’ questions are ambiguous or incomplete, Q&A will need to make some assumptions to produce a visual for these kinds of questions. For these scenarios, Q&A would return a visual and natural language restatement (shown under the (i) icon on the right) based on our interpretation of the end-user’s question; however, it was not evident to users which parts of the result were inferred if any. In this release, we’ve improved this experience by adding a ‘Showing results for’ restatement for these cases with explicit bolding for the inferences made by Q&A:

Let’s look at this improvement in further detail. For ambiguous questions, Q&A assumptions could be based on the model or use of certain syntax, such as implicit aggregations or other derived entities. In the example question below, we see that the question “top products” is too vague, but Q&A made multiple assumptions based off the model and returned the result for Top 10 products by product unit price.

In the ‘Showing results for’ restatement, “10” and “by product unit price” are shown in bold because Q&A made these assumptions to return a useful result. The user can then click on the restatement for the visual to automatically update the question and tweak the question further.



Format strings now persisted when using DirectQuery for Power BI datasets and Azure Analysis Services Preview

We’ve heard from many of you that it’s useful to have properties set on a remote model you’ve connected to flow through to your local model. In this release, format strings are the latest property that will flow from your remote source to your local one.

Data preparation


DirectQuery support for Dataflows Generally available

We are excited to announce DirectQuery support for Power BI dataflows is now generally available.  You can now connect directly to a dataflow without needing to import the data into a dataset. This can be useful in a number of scenarios, including:

  • Working with big dataflows
  • Decreasing orchestration needs
  • Serving data to customers in a managed way
  • Not duplicating data between a dataflow and a dataset

To use this capability, you will need to explicitly toggle the enhanced compute engine to “On” in dataflow settings and then refresh the dataflow before it can be consumed in DirectQuery mode. You can learn about this feature in our documentation.

We continue to make optimizations to the underlying connector to support import scenarios as well, such as query folding support for dataset refreshes on top of dataflows. We also plan to make connecting to dataflows easier by bringing a unified Power Platform and Power BI Dataflows connector. Lastly, we plan to bring a Dataflows connector to Excel. Stay tuned for updates!

Select all operation is now supported for Dynamic M Query Parameters Preview

Back in October we released a preview of Dynamic M Query Parameters that allowed report viewers to use filters or slicers to set the value(s) for an M Query Parameter, which can be especially useful for query performance optimizations. Previously Dynamic M Query Parameters did not support the Select all operation, requiring end-users to individually select each value if they wanted to see the data for all values. Now in this release we’ve added support for Select all operation so that with a single-click users can select all values for the query parameter.


How to get started?

As a prerequisite, you’ll need to enable and setup Dynamic M Query Parameters. You can learn more how to do this in our documentation. Once you have the feature enabled and setup a Dynamic M Query Parameter, you can now begin the setup process to support Select all. Let’s use the following scenario as an example.

Within the Model tab of Power BI Desktop, you can see we have a field called Country (list of countries) that is bound to an M parameter called countryNameMParameter:

You’ll also notice that this parameter is enabled for Multi-select but not enabled for Select all. 

When we enable the Select all toggle, we’ll see an enabled input called Select all value:

The Select all value (which defaults to ‘__SelectAll__’) is used to refer to the Select all option in the M Query. This value is passed to parameter as a list that contains the value you defined for select all. Therefore, when you are defining this value or using the default value, you will need to make sure that this value is unique and does not exist in the field bound to the parameter.

Once you have set the value or used the default value for Select all, you will then need to update the M Query to account for this Select all value.

To edit the M Query, you will need first launch the Power Query Editor and then select Advanced Editor in the Query section:


In the Advanced Editor, we need to add a Boolean expression that will evaluate to true if the parameter is enabled for Multi-select and contains the Select all value (else return false). For our example that would look like this:

Next, we will need to incorporate the result of this Select all Boolean expression into the source query. For our example, we have a Boolean query parameter in the source query called ‘includeAllCountries’ that is set to the result of the Boolean expression from the previous step. We then use this parameter in a filter clause in the query, such that false for the Boolean will filter to the selected country name(s) and a true would effectively apply no filter:

For reference here is the full query we used:


selectedcountryNames = if Type.Is(Value.Type(countryNameMParameter), List.Type) then

Text.Combine({"'", Text.Combine(countryNameMParameter, "','") , "'"})


Text.Combine({"'" , countryNameMParameter , "'"}),

selectAllCountries = if Type.Is(Value.Type(countryNameMParameter), List.Type) then

List.Contains(countryNameMParameter, "__SelectAll__")



KustoParametersDeclareQuery = Text.Combine({"declare query_parameters(",

"startTimep:datetime = datetime(", DateTime.ToText(StartTimeMParameter, "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm"), "), " ,

"endTimep:datetime = datetime(", DateTime.ToText(EndTimeMParameter, "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"), "), ",

"includeAllCountries: bool = ", Logical.ToText(selectAllCountries) ,",",

"countryNames: dynamic = dynamic([", selectedcountryNames, "]));" }),

ActualQueryWithKustoParameters =


| where includeAllCountries or Country in(countryNames)

| where Timestamp > startTimep and Timestamp < endTimep

| summarize sum(Confirmed) by Country, bin(Timestamp, 30d)",

finalQuery = Text.Combine({KustoParametersDeclareQuery, ActualQueryWithKustoParameters}),

Source = AzureDataExplorer.Contents("help", "samples", finalQuery, [MaxRows=null, MaxSize=null, NoTruncate=null, AdditionalSetStatements=null]),

#"Renamed Columns" = Table.RenameColumns(Source,{{"Timestamp", "Date"}, {"sum_Confirmed", "Confirmed Cases"}})


#"Renamed Columns"

Once you have updated your M Query to account for this new Select all value, you can now use the Select all function in slicers or filters:

Limitations and considerations

Note that Dynamic M Query parameters do not support Exclude / Not in filters; therefore, selecting a value after select all has been pressed will not deselect that value and produce an unsupported exclude filter. Instead, this scenario produces an Include / In filter for that selected value.

Data connectivity


Assemble Views (new connector)

We are excited to announce the release of the Assemble Views connector in Power BI Desktop. Here’s more about the connector from the Assemble Views team:

“Assemble Insight is part of the Autodesk Construction Solutions product family, which enables users to view and leverage building information models (BIM) in the cloud. Allowing users to condition their models using advanced filtering to aggregate, add, and update fields within the model. This conditioning can then be saved as views, relevant to users with various roles on the project.

The Assemble Views Power Query connector allows users to extract this model data in pre-packaged datasets (views). Once imported into Power BI, users can employ these views using the analytics tools available to create complex workflows and reports. Data trends can be quickly identified by including a date parameter that specifies the point in time for which to load the data”

BQE Core (new connector)

We are also excited to announce the release of the BQE Core connector in Power BI Desktop. Here’s more about the connector from the BQE Core team:

“BQE CORE is proud to offer its Power BI connector directly through the Microsoft Power BI app. This connector gives users the ability to seamlessly import their raw CORE data into the Power BI application, as well as transform it into meaningful, centralized, visual and interactive insights for their business. While the connector was previously offered as a manual integration through our training department, this streamlined installation from the Power BI app will help CORE customers create custom dashboards and reports, and ultimately make more informed business decisions.

Visit the Power BI Forum to learn just how powerful this connector really is – and why you can’t afford to be without it!”

SumTotal (new connector)

Our third new connector this month is the release of the SumTotal connector in Power BI Desktop. Here’s more about the connector from the SumTotal team:

“This connector will help to launch SumTotal platform OData APIs as datasets within the Power BI Desktop application”.

Adobe Analytics (updated connector)

We are introducing a new version of the Adobe Analytics connector. The 2.0 connector will use the Adobe Analytics 2.0 API, which you can read more about here. In addition to using the dimensions and metrics of the 2.0 API, this new connector will also support paging data beyond the 50,000 row limit of the existing connector. In the near future, we will be bringing support for exposing Segments as Dimensions in the connector. We appreciate any feedback that you may have.

Anaplan (updated connector)

This connector is no longer considered in “Beta”.

Azure Databricks (updated connector)

This update improves fetch speed for some data layouts.

Cognite Data Fusion (updated connector)

This release contains a bugfix for the “TimeseriesAggregate” function. The list of tags are now escaped using `Uri.EscapeDataString` which fixes a problem if any of the tags contained any special characters.

Dynamics 365 Business Central (updated connector)

Faster and more robust data analysis is key for any modern organization operating its ERP system in the cloud. While Business Central already offers tight integration with Power BI, it relies on web services. This new release enables APIs to be used as richer and more performant data sources for Business Central reports hosted in Power BI.

Customers can now create reports and dashboards using modern Business Central APIs, including the built-in APIs v2.0 provided with Business Central and also any custom APIs created by partners or makers. This gives users access to better and faster data analytics in Power BI while maintaining full backward compatibility. Learn more about Business Central and Power BI integration.

FactSet Analytics (updated connector)

The FactSet Analytics connector has been updated to support caching of calculation results. In case the user doesn’t explicitly specify a “Cached Output Age” value, calculation results are cached for twelve hours by default.

Google BigQuery (updated connector)

We’ve added support for Google Cloud Service Accounts to the Google BigQuery connector. To learn more about Service Accounts for Google Cloud, you can read about them in their documentation here, including how to get the JSON for the key.

Starburst Enterprise (updated connector)

This update contains a renaming of the connector to Starburst Enterprise.

Vessel Insight (updated connector)

New in this version is a Voyage table that provides correlated voyage information to match the Vessel data. Voyage data includes departure and destination ports, voyage history and weather data.

Workplace Analytics (updated connector)

This update adds support for the viva endpoint and contains many other minor bugfixes.

Snowflake (updated connector)

We are adding the highly demanded Custom SQL support for the Snowflake connector. Like the SQL connector, this will let you input a Snowflake native query and then build reports on top of it. This will work with both Import and Direct Query mode.
In the initial version you will need to use fully qualified table names, of the format Database.Schema.Table. For example, in our demo report, we have “select * from DEMO_DB.PUBLIC.DEMO_TABLE”. We are working to improve this customer experience in upcoming versions. You will also need to fill in the ‘Database’ optional parameter. You can see these fields filled in below.
We look forward to your feedback.

Azure Consumption Insights (connector deprecated)

The Microsoft Azure Consumption Insights connector is being deprecated due to ending support from the data source service. This update will remove the connector from the “Get Data” experience in Power BI Desktop, discouraging new connections from being made. Existing connections and reports will continue to work for now. Up-to-date deprecation information can be found in our documentation.



Datasets discoverability

In a culture of data reuse, analysts should be able to see what data is available in their organization for them to use. To this end, another big step Power BI has taken is to allow a data owner to make their dataset discoverable even by users who don’t yet have access to the data it contains.

As a data owner, when you have a dataset that is trustworthy and that you consider as having data that others can benefit from and use to create their own reports, then you most probably will want to endorse it first (either promote it or certify it).

With this release, as an admin or a member of a workspace, when you endorse a dataset, by default you’ll also be making it discoverable by other users, who can then request access to it if they don’t have access already.  In this way you’ll be making data accessible to users while also reducing data duplication in your org by making sure users can find the data they need in Power BI instead of recreating it.

We have taken care to protect this feature, using two layers:

  • Admin tenant settings control the exposure of this feature. For example, admins can choose to allow only certified datasets to be discoverable, and to disallow promoted datasets.
  • Data owners can choose to endorse their dataset, but keep it as non-discoverable by users who don’t have the necessary permissions.

Note: Any dataset that was endorsed prior to this release will not automatically be made discoverable.

Once you have made the dataset discoverable, other users in your org will be able to find it and request access to it in the Datasets Hub. Soon we will also expose these discoverable datasets in Power BI Desktop, when getting data from Power BI datasets, and in Power BI service, through the Create experience.

In the image below, Account revenues is a dataset without access that was set as discoverable by its owners. Note how it is greyed out.

Read more about this feature in our documentation.

Request access to datasets

Now that datasets can be made discoverable, users can find data that interests them and request access to it.

In many cases, getting access to data goes through a process that is unique to your org and to your dataset. Sometimes end-users are required to go through specific training to get access. Other times, end-users are directed to an organizational app where they can be added as members of an Active Directory security group. Recognizing the variety of processes for requesting and granting access, we allow any dataset owner (workspace admin/member/contributor) to customize per-dataset instructions for how to get access. When an end-user requests access to the dataset, they will be shown a dialog message with details about how to get access.

By default, if no instructions were set, the access request will be sent by email to the user who created the dataset or to the one who assumed ownership.

Read more about this feature in our documentation.

Mandatory label policy for Microsoft Information Protection sensitivity labels Preview

One of your top asks was to help ensure that new content brought into Power BI is applied with sensitivity labels. We heard you and are happy to announce a public preview of mandatory label policy support in Power BI. When mandatory label policy in Power BI is enabled for users, those users will be required to apply labels when they upload PBIX files to Power BI, create new content, or edit content that doesn’t yet have a label in Power BI.

Power BI mandatory label policy can be configured in the Microsoft 365 compliance center as part of a label policy published to users.

Power BI mandatory label policy is separate from mandatory label policy for Office files and emails, and can be turned on and off independently of the Office settings. Read more in our documentation.

Admin API to set and remove Microsoft Information Protection sensitivity labels

To meet compliance requirements, organizations are often required to classify and label all sensitive data in Power BI. This task can be a challenge for tenants that have large volumes of data in Power BI. To make this task easier and more effective, we’re introducing new Power BI admin APIs for setting and removing sensitivity labels in Power BI. With these APIs, Power BI admins can easily and effectively apply sensitivity labels on large numbers of Power BI artifacts programmatically. Read more in our documentation.

Automate deployments with new APIs and PowerShell samples Preview

At the Microsoft Build conference, we have announced the preview release of the deployment pipelines APIs. The new set of APIs enables developers to retrieve pipelines info and trigger content deployments in a pipeline. With the PowerShell samples, it’s easy to integrate deployment pipelines with existing DevOps tools, such as Azure Pipelines. Read more about automating deployment pipelines.

Manage Dataflows in deployment pipelines Preview

We are happy to announce that Dataflows can now be managed inside deployment pipelines. Dataflows will have similar capabilities as other items managed in deployment pipelines:

  • Detect updates in a dataflow and highlight them using the ‘compare’ button.
  • Deploy a dataflow across the different stages of the pipeline, so you can create new dataflows in the test or production stages or update existing stages.
  • Upon deployment, datasets connected to dataflows will bind automatically to the respective dataflow in the target stage in the pipeline.
  • Set rules for a dataflow and connect it to a specific data source or define specific parameter value in the test or production stages. Once rules are set for a data source or a parameter, they will not change upon any future updates.

For this preview release, linked entities will not be supported yet. We are planning to close the gap and add this functionality soon.

Read more about getting started with dataflows and other content in deployment pipelines.

Admin APIs for deployment pipelines

We have released a set of Admin APIs. With these APIs, Power BI Admins can view all the existing pipelines in their tenant and add users to any pipeline.

This can help Power BI admins handle a situation of an ‘orphaned pipeline’, where there’s no pipeline admin available and no one can access that pipeline. Similarly, Admin can use the APIs to ‘free’ a workspace that is assigned to an ‘orphaned pipeline’.

Read more in our documentation.



A new look for the Power BI Windows app Preview

In this release we introduce a preview of the Power BI Windows app’s new look. The new look features a completely revamped home page that provides a centralized hub for all your Power BI content, giving you quick and easy access in one place.

To Enable the Windows app’s new look, get the latest version of the Windows app from the store and open it. Once it’s open, you’ll see the “New look” toggle at the top of the screen. Toggle it on to immediately start enjoying the new look – no need to restart the app!

Read more in this blog.

Passing URL parameters to paginated reports

The Mobile apps now support passing parameters to paginated reports via the URL. Passing parameters via the report URL automatically sets the report parameters to those values.  Learn more.



New visuals


Drill Down Combo Bar PRO by ZoomCharts

Drill Down Combo Bar PRO by ZoomCharts allows you to combine multiple chart types (line, bar, area), stack, and cluster series in multiple ways and apply rich customization options for each series. Explore multiple drill-down levels, set up to 3 thresholds to demonstrate targets or benchmarks, customize axes, legends, stacks, tooltip, fill settings and outlines, and get equal experience on any device. Use the new updated version of Drill Down Combo Bar for an even better experience. Among the main features of our Drill Down Combo Bar PRO you will find:

  • 1 click drill down – click directly to the chart to explore up to 9 data levels.
  • Multiple chart types – column, line, or area.
  • Full customization – customize X and Y axes, legends, stacks, tooltip, fill settings, outlines.
  • Static and dynamic thresholds – set up to 3 thresholds to demonstrate targets or benchmarks.
  • Cross-chart filtering – instead of using slicers, select data points on multiple charts.
  • Multi-touch device friendly – get equal experience on any device.

Create dashboards that are easy to use. To evaluate this Drill Down Combo Bar PRO for free, start your 30-day trial period now!  Download Drill Down Combo Bar PRO in AppSource.

Learn more about Drill Down Combo Bar Pro.

Dumbbell Bar Chart by Nova Silva

Data visualizations play a fundamental role in answering an important data question: ”How does result A compare to result B?”. Typical examples of these questions are:

  • How does the sales of this month compare to the sales of last month?
  • What is the difference between the number of documents processed this year compared to 2020?
  • How does the number of planned-visitors compare to the number of unplanned-visitors at our locations?

Key in answering these kinds of questions is clearly visualizing the difference between the two results. This is the strength of the Dumbbell Bar Chart: showing both values and the difference between them.

The top chart shows the two values (Last Year and Current Year. This allows the user to identify the growing (ie. Adventure Works) versus the shrinking (ie Fabrikam) brands. Optionally the user can include the variance chart (second chart) to increase the emphasis on the difference between the two values.

Don’t hesitate and try the Dumbbell Bar Chart now on your own data by downloading it from the AppSource. All features are available for free to evaluate this visual within Power BI Desktop.

Questions or remarks? Visit us at:

graphomate bubbles 2021.2

The goal of the visualization is to get a quick and easy overview of distributions and relationships among data points. Patterns and outliers can be recognized quickly for better interpretation and decision-making. The graphomate bubbles are perfectly suited for the representation of portfolios. They offer numerous options for extensive analyses with the help of circular charts.

The high information density of a graphomate bubble chart results from the mapping of up to five key figures. For example, deviations from a previous year’s value can be plotted on the arc.

Benefit from the seamless integration of our custom visuals and use filters and slicers side by side with the standard visuals. Enhance your visual through the use of conditional formatting, display of small multiples or connect bubbles to represent the development over time. Explore the different bubbles charts here.

Go ahead and try the graphomate bubbles by downloading it from the AppSource. Find the detailed documentation here or try a sample report.

Zebra BI Tables 5.0

The latest major release of Zebra BI Tables visual 5.0 brings an exceptional commenting experience, flexible row formatting, and many other design options for you to truly express yourself and make sure your reports are as actionable as possible!

Watch the video to see new functionalities

Smart comments — Adding comments to your reports has never been easier. Simply add your comment data field to the visual to display your comments in a beautiful way. Right inside the visual!

  • Automatically generates the title based on the category name and even calculates variance for you when applicable.
  • Responsive and adapts to the size of your table.
  • Completely dynamic so you can simply switch the time period to see relevant comments.

Flexible row formatting — If you want to highlight important elements in your table or when displaying different KPIs in the same table, you can now completely customize the design of each row (font, colors, number format).

Dark mode — No matter what kind of theme you’re using for reports, Zebra BI now fully supports it (works both in Tables and Charts).

For other important new features and improvements in the Zebra BI Tables visual visit Zebra BI for Power BI – 5.0.

Zebra BI Charts 5.0

The latest release of Zebra BI Charts visual 5.0 brings advanced stacked charts, smart comments, and more!

Watch the video to see new functionalities

Advanced stacked charts — To bridge the gap in data visualization, Zebra BI launched powerful stacked area and column charts.

  • Avoid the confusion of showing too many data series! Zebra BI automatically sums-up the data into Top N + Others for you, while allowing you to change the number of data series in 1 click.
  • The adaptive legend makes it much easier to understand the data.
  • Simply right-click on the legend to highlight any data series.

For small multiples fans: this chart is completely integrated with Zebra BI functionalities – the viewers can simply switch between stacked charts and small multiples anytime!

Smart comments — Adding comments to your reports has never been easier. Simply add your comment data field to the visual to display your comments in a beautiful way. It will automatically generate the title based on the category name and even calculate variance for you when applicable.

For more exciting news about the Zebra BI Charts visual visit Zebra BI for Power BI – 5.0.

Editor’s picks

The Editor’s picks visuals of the month are:

The Editor’s picks can be found in the in-product AppSource in Power BI Desktop and Service under Editor’s picks category.

Template apps


Template app one-click update and republish

This month we’re excited to announce a new capability that makes it easy for template app users to update their apps in one simple step!

Until today, after installing a template app update, users also had to go to the template app workspace and re-publish the organizational app to enjoy the update. Many users found this step confusing and were unsure about what to do. The result was that the org app often did not get updated, and thus never included the recent changes and improvements. Now, when you install a template app update, you can choose to update the organizational app as well, enabling you to update the app, navigate to it directly, and continue your work!

The new capability works as follows: When you install an update, you’ll notice a new option in the update dialog:

Selecting this new option will install the updates and republish the org app.

You will be notified when update and republish finishes successfully – you are all set to go!

The updated app will now include any updated app branding, such as app name, logo, and navigation, as well as the latest publisher improvements to content. In fact, users who have not made changes to the app’s content can go to the app. Learn more.

Salesforce Analytics for Sales Managers

We are very excited to announce a new template app to get you hooked on Power BI!

Salesforce Analytics for Sales Managers includes visuals and insights for analyzing your marketing performance.

The out of box dashboard provides key metrics such as your sales pipeline, best accounts and KPI’s. Drill into the report for more details on each aspect including fully interactive visuals to help you explore your data further.

The Salesforce analytics app is brought to you by the Power BI team and is available on AppSource – we’ve made sure you can also download the .pbix file after installation – allowing full customization of the report and queries.

Learn more about the app’s functionality in our documentation.

Get Salesforce Analytics for Sales Managers from AppSource.



Power BI Desktop Installer Changes

We wanted to give everyone advanced notice to a change that will be coming to the Power BI Desktop .exe installer in July. Starting in July, if you’re connected to the internet, we will attempt to download Microsoft Edge WebView2 as part of the installation process. This is currently not a requirement, so you should not notice any changes if you are installing it offline.

To give some context to this change, we’re starting the process of making infrastructure changes to start using WebView2 in place of CefSharp. This switch will better optimize our development and release process (which means more time for new and improved features!) and means that you’ll automatically get the latest security patches as the WebView2 team releases them instead of waiting for us to update Power BI Desktop.

We’ll provide more information about the transition and how it may impact the installation process down the line in next month’s blog.

June update of Power BI Report Builder

A new version of Power BI Report Builder is available now! This release includes a number of new features designed to improve your paginated report authoring experience, including a data tab and a streamlined DAX copy/paste experience. Plus, we’ve now added Power BI Report Builder as an app in the Microsoft Store. Check out the blog post for further details.

Report action bar now available in the Power BI SharePoint Online Webpart

SharePoint Online is a popular and highly flexible solution for distributing Power BI reports. Embedding Power BI reports in SharePoint is a great way to engage and inform your organization with data by providing easy access to reports right in the portals and team sites people access daily.
To provide even more options for integrating Power BI into SharePoint we’ve added a new option to enable the Power BI report action bar within the Power BI SharePoint Online web part. The report action bar provides access to a variety of key features that report viewers in SharePoint can now access.
Read more in this blog.
That is all for this month! Please continue sending us your feedback and do not forget to vote for other features that you would like to see in Power BI! We hope that you enjoy the update! If you installed Power BI Desktop from the Microsoft Store, please leave us a review.

Also, don’t forget to vote on your favorite feature this month over on our community website. 

As always, keep voting on Ideas to help us determine what to build next.

We are looking forward to hearing from you!

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