Microsoft Fabric Updates Blog

Microsoft Fabric Data Factory Webinar Series – August 2023

Are you interested in learning more about Data Factory, the cloud-based data integration service that allows you to create data-driven workflows in Microsoft Fabric? If so, you are invited to join our webinars, where we will show you how to use Data Factory to transform and orchestrate your data in various scenarios. Each webinar will … Continue reading “Microsoft Fabric Data Factory Webinar Series – August 2023”

Free preview usage of Microsoft Fabric workloads extended to October 1, 2023

On June 1, 2023, we announced the availability of Microsoft Fabric preview capacity for purchase within the Azure portal. At that time, we communicated that Fabric workloads other than Power BI would not accrue against your purchased capacity limits and that you would have visibility in the capacity metrics app to your preview vs. paid … Continue reading “Free preview usage of Microsoft Fabric workloads extended to October 1, 2023”

Announcing the Public Preview of automatic replica synchronization for Dataset Scale-Out

We are excited to announce that we have finalized Dataset Scale-Out configuration APIs and completed the replica synchronization feature. Specifically, you no longer need to enable Scale-Out at the workspace level by using a burdensome XMLA request. The XMLA command is deprecated and will no longer work. You can now enable Scale-Out on a dataset-by-dataset basis using the Power BI REST API for datasets. You also no longer need to synchronize read-only replicas manually if you want to take advantage of automatic replica synchronization. Automatic replica synchronization is enabled by default. However, it is also possible to disable automatic synchronization to synchronize the read/write and read-only replicas of a dataset manually for controlled refresh isolation.